Friday, May 8, 2009

We have a puppy . . .

He is so cute. He followed me around all day today. He tried to climb up my leg. He chews on anything he can find. He weighs about 20 lbs. He is ticklish behind the ears and give slobbery kisses. He eats anything he can find on the floor. He loves the computer cables and he loves Hannah. If I'm not around she is a pretty good thing to follow around. He loves getting his tummy rubbed and really is a pretty happy guy.

This dog above is cute but Jonathan is our puppy dog. He has really started to show his attachment to me. Good luck, grandma, while we're gone. We love Jonathan and he really does remind me of a puppy these days.


Sally said...

That's hilarious and cute--you had me going!

Unknown said...

So unfair! I thought you really had a dog!! Maybe you should get one...