Hannah in her new Christmas dress.
We had a wonderful Christmas. We stayed here in our little place to celebrate. Christmas Eve we enjoyed a wonderful and quiet meal with our family and a few friends. We talked about the Nativity story and let Hannah and Jonathan play with nativity pieces. Hannah loves the baby Jesus piece. They opened their traditional Christmas pajamas and off to bed.
Hannah and Jonathan modeling their new pajamas.
Santa visited our place and left some goods for both Hannah and Jonathan. Then we spent a little time opening presents. The kids finally got to open and play with the car mat I spent three months sewing. They love it and boy and I glad. We enjoyed a pretty lax day here and then on the 26th we whisked up to Allen for a week.
Kids on the car mat.Hyrum's birthday is the 29 th so we spent that day doing birthday stuff. We literally took all day too. One of the Wright family tradition is the magical birthday. It just happened that this year was Hyrum's, he turned 29 on the 29th. So he opened one present every half hour. He started at about 7 in the morning and finished at 9:30 pm. At one point his mom added a bell to the ritual and he rang the bell before he opened every present. It was pretty fun. I tried a new cake recipe. It was like a big chewy chocolate raspberry brownie. I enjoyed it. I think I ate about 1/2 of it.
Are you sure it's not too heavy?
It was nice to be with family with and we went bowling (a tradition from my family). We missed Nate and his family but we're glad Josh came. Everyone had a good time bowling. Jonathan was so mad that we didn't give him a chance to bowl so we added him into our second game but then he was mad that he could only thrown a ball on his turn. It was great fun.
Jonathan's turn (He almost had the best score)
We came home on the second and we're back into real life. It was great to have a break and especially since Hyrum had the entire month of December off work. Now he has hit the ground running with some important milestones with school and a new job. I'm so proud of him.
Happy New Year to all and though I don't believe in them, good luck in all your resolutions and may this year be better than the last.