A friend of mine asked what we've been up to and honestly not a whole lot. There have been trips to the dentist and doctor, story time, playtime, school time, and down time. I have several a sewing project I'm working on and several on hold for now. We are having a Relief Society Meeting this week which always means a little more stress, but all in all we are doing well and nothing too exciting going on.
The best new is that the weather has been pretty nice for the past couple of weeks. Last Friday we hosted a "Perfectly Pleasing Pie Party." (I love a little aliteration.) We had close to 50 people just outside our apartment. It was alright because the neighbors were there too. We asked everyone to bring pie, ice cream or whipping cream. We had several different kind of pie, cookies, cream puffs and even popcorn. It was great fun. The evening got really cool once the sun went down but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I spent most of it inside helping my children but it was great. The best part was that it was outside do there was very little clean up and hardly any mess inside; most of the inside mess was from Jonathan.
With the good weather continuing. Hyrum's brother and his family joined us for a little while this weekend. They came to the Ward Kite Flying activity. The kids had a blast and were so happy with their kites. Hyrum made a goods showing with Elmo as well.

So we are on to another week filled with spilled water at dinner-time, smiles from Charlotte, scream of pain and delight from Hannah and Jonathan and hopefully some more good weather to enjoy being outside.