Thursday, February 9, 2012

Homemade House Cleaning

I've decided to try a few alternatives to the commercial chemical cleaners. I use a lot of laundry soap and it's expensive so, I decided I'd try my own. After investing in that, I found out a friend of mine uses the same ingredients to clean her home so I made my own cleanser for our bathroom. I am happy to report that so far I am a fan. Our laundry doesn't smell like a field of fresh lavender anymore but it is clean and way cheaper than before.

Here are the recipes I use if anyone wants to try it. I found the ingredients at Walmart. All together they cost around $7-$8 there. With those supplies you can make at least 3 batches of laundry soap and a bunch of cleanser. I enjoy the results of both of these cleaners.

Homemade Laundry Soap (I do add a small scoop of oxy-clean to my whites and colors though I don't really know if it makes all that big a difference. )

Homemade Cleanser:

1 cup washing soda
1 cup borax powder
1/4 cup salt

I mix this up, keep it in a Ziploc bag and just make more as I need it. Add a little water and scrub to use. A little goes a pretty long way. It's great for shining chrome fixtures. My friend also uses this to wash her dishes.



Editt said...

Nice! I'm glad you took pictures because I've been wanting to do this, too. (Oh and there is this great recipe where you mix hot white vinegar and dawn soap to wash your bathtub and toilet...if you wanted more homemade house cleaning products). OH and add a drop of essential oil lavendar and you can get that smell again. :) (You need to get on pinterest to see all the awesome cleaning recipes they have.)
Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Heather is going green!!! :D