This was one of those times I am glad to live near my parents. Memorial Day marks the beginning of the planting season in western NY and PA. This year, was no different and the kids and I invited ourselves to the planting party.
Resting with Grandpa. |
I picked Hannah up at school on Friday afternoon and we headed north. It was an uneventful drive, though no one slept. We enjoyed Friday evening and Saturday just hanging out since the weather was too cold to plant a garden. The kids enjoyed exploring grandma and Grandpa's yard though. Hannah played dress-up that afternoon with my old dresses, many of which came home with us. Sunday was church and just enjoying a quiet day together. Monday, we were up and going. By 8:30 am we had cleaned up inside and were on our way our to the garden. My parents garden is large. As a kid it was way too big, now I am so excited for all of the good stuff that will grow in it--probably because I will get to enjoy some of it.
Spencer enjoyed getting into whatever drawers he could. This one had shoelaces in it. |
Hannah modeling one of my old dresses and her new haircut. |
Dad had some tilling to do before we could get planting so we went to work weeding the raspberry beds. Then pretty systematically and efficiently we went to work planting corn and potatoes. Dad could till a row while we planted of corn then we tromp through the dirt to the other side of the garden where we'd plant a row of potatoes and dad would till the area for the next row of corn.
The green bushes on the left-hand side are the raspberries we weeded. This garden is really big. I wish a picture could do it justice. |
We took about three hours planting corn and potatoes then took a break for lunch. We had a pizza picnic. The weather was gorgeous. It was nice enough to plant but not blistering hot. Hannah and Jonathan were great helpers and didn't complain at all. I was really impressed. Charlotte tried to help but when we wouldn't let her she just wandered over to the sandbox and enjoyed digging. I think she happy not having to compete with her brother and sister for shovels!
After lunch we planted squashes-several varieties, cucmbers, green beans, carrots, and onions. We finished up our job by about 3:20. We ate a snack of juicy watermelon and then after a candy hunt and a few good byes we were off down the road.
This was their own little dirt patch since grandpa hadn't tilled here yet. Spencer was on the outside looking in and not too happy about it. |
It was a great day. I love being outside and able to dig in the dirt. It was a lovely day and I was so happy to be with my parents. I really enjoy spending time with them and it was a great opportunity to teach my kids about the garden. I hope they always love it. We had a long drive home due to some road construction--6 miles in an hour, not a typical I-79 experience--but we were glad to get home to see Hyrum waiting with dinner on the table.
The kids were walking along with grandpa, tilling while grandma checked out the blueberry bushes. |
I don't remember making a big deal about Memorial Day as a kid. It was the day we planted the garden. As teenagers we would play in the band for a couple local parades, but I would often zone out during the important parts at the cemetery. This year though I realized how grateful I am for those that have served and I am thankful for my grandpa and Hyrum's grandfathers that served our country. We have had grandparents and great-grandparents serving in WWI, WWII, and during the Cold War. Thank you to all those who risk their lives and sacrifice for all of us. May God bless you with peace and strength in doing what is right.
Hannah and Jonathan enjoying the creek on my parent's property. |
How fun and such hard work!! You're kids are getting so big!! I love Hannah's haircut! She looks so grown up. Miss you guys!!
Hannah's hair cut does make her look so grown up. What a fun weekend!
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