This comes a little late but, Happy Birthday, Little Bug! Hannah is everything a three year old should be and so much more. Yes, she is three. I babysat a little girl on Wednesday and I realized just how much she has grown in the last year. Most obvious is that I understand just about everything she says--she only has to repeat herself once occasionally twice.
She has proven to be a pretty good helper and loves her little brother. She loves to jump and climb and swim. Thanks to her boy friends and Grandma Wright (She provided the costume) Hannah wants to be Spiderman for Halloween, though she loves Cinderella, too.
Her favorite color is purple and if you ask her she does read. We've started her in a little Preschool Co-op with a few of her friends this semester and she loves that. They are a fun bunch with a lot of energy. It's fun to see her learn new things. The best new of all is that I think, for all intents and purposes she is finally potty trained.
Her birthday was spent at school in the morning and then lunch and a good nap. She got her finger shut in a door at school so she was a little upset. The nap was our lifesaver. Then when Hyrum got home from work we ate a quick dinner, opened presents and then we went swimming. Hannah had a great day. She loved all of her presents and if you ask her she'll rave over her train cake. In fact now instead of telling people Happy Birthday, she says, "Happy Cake!"
So with that, Happy Cake, Hannah!!
That is the cutest cake!!! Good job. Now I want to eat some chocolate chips. Jarom is also stuck on wanting to be Batman. I was hoping for something more creative this year...Oh well! They can go trick or treating together and be super heroes.
Yeah, that Emily is pretty hard to understand sometimes. Thanks again for watching her! Hannah is such a cute little girl! I love that she wants to be Spiderman for Halloween.
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