My, how time flies when you're having fun and we certainly have had fun. Jonathan is something else. He is the epitome of boy.
He loves my kitchen cupboards and what treasures he can find in there. He even leaves treasures for me such as fridge magnets and play kitchen utensils. He loves to walk and run around with Hannah. He loves to play chase and is pretty quick with his smiles. It's hard to imagine when you love one how you can ever make enough room t
He is so fun and though I get frustrated when he has pulled my pots and pans out for the tenth time in a couple of hours, I love how silly he can be and how he loves to lay in my arms for a moments rest after he's been a little wild. He has grown so much and so fast. When he was born he weighed 8 lbs and 9 oz. Now, just twelve months later he has almost quadrupled that at 23 lbs. He can understand what I say to him most of the time and just smiles and laughs as his answer most of the time.
He loves to eat and he loves his big sister. They fill our home with giggles and sweet things. Today, Jonathan had his 12 month check
Jonathan gives it right back like after their naps today, Hannah sat down to watch part of Cinderella. Jonathan sat there next to her for a good 15 minutes. He laid on her lap, then on her shoulder than he tried to sit on her. She just smiled and laughed at him. It's good to have a friend.
For Jonathan's bir
We have a birthday hat that they get to wear and it has the number of years they are on it. We put that on and boy was he mad. Those 1 year olds sure hate the hat.
It was pretty low key but we had fun just reminiscing about Jonathan's arrival in our family and the events of September 4th a year previously. Our lives will never be the same and boy are we glad.
What Fun!!!
Josh was playing with a phone and asked Caleb if he wanted to speak to Jonathan. Caleb didn't say anything and crawled away. Josh was pretty upset about that.
Hi Heather! So great to hear from you. I can't believe how big your little ones are! Wow! So happy for you. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Great input. Glad you are enjoying my blog -- keep reading! :)
Does Johnathan have red hair? When will you be changing the name of your blog?
Don't you just love the screaming birthday boy pictures? :-) I hope you guys are doing well. Happy late birthday Jonathon!
I love how you have the picture of Jonathan screaming, then close below it, Hannah so happy to have it on! :)
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