On Monday I turned 26. Pretty crazy. I look at my life and really it's pretty much how I figured things would work out. Granted, I wasn't planning on living in Texas and having a husband still in grad school but I'll take it.
I spent my birthday cooking and doing some minor picking up. In Provo there is a fantastic little Mexican fast food place with a great vibe. It is always busy. A few years ago I got recipes copying a few of their signature items. Now I can have Cafe Rio anytime I want, so Sunday the pork and black beans went in to cook. By Monday we had lovely Pork Barbacoa, with black beans, cilantro rice and the creamy tomatillo dressing. Yum. We washed it down with a great Boston Cream Pie. I love good food so it was a great birthday meal.
Hyrum surprised me with a fancy diploma frame for my diploma. It's something that I wanted but would never have bought so that was a really great present. Now my diploma looks nice in its new home. We just have to get Hyrum some for his diplomas so they can all look nice and fancy together. Hannah gave me a little piggy bank to save my pennies in. And Jonathan just smiled a lot. It was a good day.
I am so grateful to have my family. I love Hyrum and the kids so much. The Lord has greatly blessed us with more things than we could ever define. I look forward to another year of adventures. Hopefully I can be wiser, not just older by this time next year.
for my birthday I want to fly you out and watch you cook.. Happy birthday Heather! I think you are amazing!!!!!
Happy Birthday Heather! Don't you just love good food for you birthday? Glad you had a good one. Miss you!
Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had fun; however, I am sad that you had to cook on your b-day...oh well...at least the food sounds yummy.
What kind of friend am I...I am sorry that we didn't even come see you on your birthday! Happy belated birthday!
What a fun day! Happy (late) Birthday :) It's fun to read your updates--I got rather behind! I'm glad you left a note on my blog--i had lost your blog address, along wth all the others :S
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