Five years ago, today, Hyrum and I were sealed for time and all eternity in the Manti, Utah Temple. It was a perfect day and the best choice I ever made.
Now five years later we are still happily in love and enjoying our life together. One promise we made is to have plenty of adventures and we certainly haven't had a shortage of those. Some have been unplanned and a little more adventurous than we would have chosen, but life, or rather our Father in Heaven has been good to us. The best part of this adventure we call life has been Hannah, Jonathan and now our new addition to come in 11 weeks.
I am so grateful for my best friend. I love you, Hyrum.
Has is really already been five years!?!?!? Times flys. It will be 9 for us this November...and that just seems unreal.
Congrats to you guys. I hope the next five years are as good as the last.
I love you too, sweetheart.
Happy 5th!!
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