Well, Sunday, my baby is seven months old. I can't believe it. Not only has the time gone by so quickly but he has had an explosion of tricks lately. Everyday he is sitting up better and today he even crawled a little bit. He has two teeth, the front left top and bottom and I think more will be on the way shortly. He generally sleeps between 8 and 10 hours a day, we're hoping it becomes more often the latter. Jonathan has also started reaching out for me when I pick him up. It's so fun. He and Hannah love sharing a room and playing after they have been put to bed. I have found Hannah in the crib a couple of times. He is eating solid foods and finally will take a bottle without too much problem. He is growing up and I can't believe it. Today we put him in a 24 month sized pair of pajamas. He filled out the torso. The arms and legs were a little long but he is a big boy. We are so happy to have him in our family.
7 years ago
Cute pics! (the one in the post, and the header at the top!) Wow, seven months?? Time sure flies...
he is such a cutie. I sure have cute nieces and nephews...I am so lucky. When did you put him in Hannah's room...I am not sure when to do that with QUinn. He is sleeping about 10 - 12 hours at night...but not sure what to do. Let me know what you did.
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