So you are all probably wondering what color Jonathan's hair really is. The poll closed on Thursday, his 6 month birthday. I really thought we might be able to tell for certain by then but, we can't. I'm not too surprised just because Hannah's hair was slow in coming too. We'll keep you posted. Chances are good that it will be red but we truly could get a blond or brunette out of him. We'll see.
So yes, my baby is 6 months old. I can't believe it. I really didn't think I would make it past six weeks and here we are. Yesterday we went to the doctor's and had his six month check up. He has slowed down in the weight gain but only a little. He weighs 19 lbs. and 7 oz. He's been averaging exactly 1 lbs a month since he was 2 months old and he was just 5 oz. shy of that this time around. The doctor kept asking me about 9 month milestones and then reminding himself that Jonathan was only 6 months old. He's a whopper. He's about 28 3/4 inches tall and he has a big head too. He is growing but we're glad that it is all in proportion.
He is a rolling champ. He rolls and pivots and spins around like a top to get where he wants to be. He acknowledges us when we say his name and talk to him and boy, does he move. I thought it would be calmer than Hannah but no, he is a mover. He sits up by himself for a few seconds and then fall over in a controlled fall. He is getting up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth. Occasionally he will launch himself forward to get a toy. We're just waiting for the crawling to begin. I hope it tires him out so he will sleep more. He is a happy kids and loves to smile at us and especially Hannah. Those two are special friends. Such fun.
Heather, he is such a cutie! He has the greatest smile, and seems like such a cheerful little guy!
It was great seeing a new post. I want some of that pudding
Wow...he is getting big. I bet he is such a snuggly little butter-ball. I sure can't wait to meet him. Crawling soon...yikes!
Thanks for reminding me that the 6 week mark makes such a huge difference...I have been telling myself that for the last 6 weeks...and you were right...I feel like I am not going insane anymore...7 week tomorrow.
Hey is a cutie and getting so big! He can borrow some of Levi's hair, he has plenty to go around! :-) Love ya!
Hey Heather,
That's awesome, I can't wait for Quinn to start moving. Keep posting because I do enjoy reading about what you guys are up to.
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